Welcome global health enthusiasts to Rice 360°’s new blog!
Thank you for your support — whether you’ve been part of our family of supporters for some time or if this is your first time checking us out!
At Rice 360°, we provide students with the opportunity to design effective, low-cost global health tools for low-resource settings. But, just as importantly, we give Rice students the opportunity to test their designs in action and gain a deeper sense of the countries and people for which they’re developing solutions.
Simultaneously, we bravely strive to end preventable newborn death worldwide. We aim to ensure that a baby born in low-resource countries has the same chance of survival as a baby born in the United States. We design and deploy scalable solutions to unmet health needs, and partner with local and international partners to do so.
Check out our feature in the latest Inside Rice episode to learn more about what we do:
To celebrate the end of one great year and the start of another, we’ve published our 2016 Annual Impact Report, which recaps this past year of growth and impact. Inside, you’ll find our year in numbers, our technology pipeline explained, and more details on our work in the Rio Grande Valley.
We hope you enjoy catching up on all of our latest news!
Cheers to a (somewhat belated) happy and healthy 2017, and welcome to our blog!
The Rice 360° Team
Emily Mooney